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Why I want this...

I'm going to be honest with you about what living a creative life means to me- what I want more of, what I want less of.. why I choose to make things...

I started my creative business because I can't imagine another way. I want the freedom to live the life I love, creating things that bring JOY and CONNECTION to others. There is enough struggle, sadness, confusion and obstacles in the world. I want to make art that is light-hearted, playful, youthful and brings to mind our favorite places as a child might imagine them. 🏕🌌🌈🏞

On a more personal level- I want my business to allow me the freedom to explore my life outside of a "conventional" career. I want to go abroad when I want to, stay with a child when they have a day that they need me, put my family, their happiness and my own FIRST. ✈️🗺🤱 👫 I also want to WORK 💪 at something each day that is deeply personal and that I am ridiculously passionate about.💖 I want to live BOLDLY and FREELY in my one MAGICAL life >> and I want THAT in my business and FOR my business. ✨⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

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What do I want more of? More confidence (freedom), self-assurance, principles, money (freedom), organization (freedom), structure (freedom) and time.⠀⠀⠀

What do I want less of? Catering to others when not inline with my personal values. Less projects that I don't enjoy and more projects that I do. What do you want more of or less of this year to make your life more magical and more YOU? Feel free to send me an email and let me know what you are doing to craft your life the YOU way. ✨⚡️✨⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

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